How could God take a shepherd boy and turn him into a king?

You were created for greatness and as you learn more of God’s incredible design for your life, your view of who you are will begin to transform. David knew he was called from a young age, but he still had to go through years of preparation and testing before he could carry the calling on his life. Throughout these teachings you will see how David learned to put his identity in God, how he chose the ways of honor and worship, and how he responded to adversity and correction, and you will see why God called him a man after His own heart.

This e-course is an invitation to you to engage in the story God is writing for your life. He has called you to a great adventure, and you are the only one who can live it. His words over you and no one else’s are what qualifies you for your calling. Yet with all the struggles and trials of life, too many people abandon the identity God has called them to.

God has great things for you and your life. Don’t let the enemy steal what is rightfully yours through Christ. Wherever you are in your life’s journey, it’s not too late to begin believing who God says you are. This is the most important journey any of us will take, becoming who God says we are. Let the story of David inspire you with fresh courage and excitement for the adventure to come.


Dale Mast

Dale Mast is an internationally recognized prophet, teacher, author, and activator. He has written four books, with his first book, And David Perceived He Was King, has been translated into nine languages. He retired as Senior Pastor after serving forty years. Dale and his wife, LuAnne, continue to minister together internationally. They have six children; Michael (and Jess), Benjamin, Heidi, Matthew (and Zuzana), Andrew (and Amanda) and Zachary (and Amber), four grandchildren, Bailey, Lena, Logan and Maisie, and two dogs, Moses and Molly.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • E-Book

    • Workbook

    • Live Q&A Sessions

  • 2

    Lesson 1

    • Video Lesson 1

  • 3

    Lesson 2

    • Video Lesson 2

  • 4

    Lesson 3

    • Video Lesson 3

  • 5

    Lesson 4

    • Video Lesson 4

  • 6

    Lesson 5

    • Video Lesson 5

  • 7

    Lesson 6

    • Video Lesson 6

  • 8

    Video Lesson 7

    • Video Lesson 7

  • 9

    Lesson 8

    • New Lesson
